Report Log

  1. 0102 lasso and cox regression
    • Report: View, Source
    • Data: Aim3-early-adversity-subjects-F-survival-2020-10-09.xlsx
    • Method: variable selection with lasso, cox model on the selected variables
  2. 0109 lasso and cox regression on a larger dataset
    • Report: View, Source
    • Data: Aim3-early-adversity-subjects-F-survival-2021-01-07.xlsx
    • Method: For the three age groups: run a full model; run lasso to select variables; cox model on the selected variables
  3. 0116 three age groups comparison
    • Report: View, Source
    • Data: Aim3-early-adversity-subjects-F-survival-2021-01-07.xlsx
    • Method: For the three age groups: run a cox model with all covariates; run a cox model with lasso selected covariates; run a cox model with bic selected covariates; run a cox model with adv_mom and other composite adversities
  4. 0207 three age groups comparison with SCI
    • Report: View, Source
    • Data: Aim3-early-adversity-subjects-F-survival-2021-01-29.xlsx
    • Method: Replace the adv_dsi with adv_sci; Use a finer categorized adv_other_cumulative.
  5. 0228 continuous effects of early adversities
    • Report: View, Source
    • Data: Aim3-early-adversity-subjects-F-survival-2021-02-17.csv
    • Method: first analyze adversity by adversity, with linear terms and later add quadratic terms. No model selection or interaction for now
  6. 0308 continuous effects with interaction terms considered
    • Report: View, Source
    • Data: Aim3-early-adversity-subjects-F-survival-2021-01-29.xlsx
    • Method: based on the 0228, include interaction of terms that are significant when modeled individually. run lasso to further select the variables.